The goal of our work is to create change.

Creating Change

Most clients seek out counsel when they're feeling stuck - often because they're having a hard time getting out of their own way. Although external circumstances are always a factor, our goal is is to engage in the interior work necessary to drive results.

The same cognitive and behavioral skills that are used to address depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and procrastination, can also be used to optimize - to take one's baseline functioning and elevate it to the next level.

A Foundational Approach

The goal is to understand who you are, in a dynamic and multifaceted way. This involves taking into account not only where you're at right now, but where you're coming from. Where do you want to go? More importantly, why aren't you there right now?

It's a process of examining both circumstances and values, exploring where those domains have the potential to meet for you individually, and then creating a plan for how to get there.

Circumstances & Values